Hi my name is Frank, an aspiring web developer and software engineer. I love solving puzzles that's why I end up liking programming as well, but I'm just a total beginner on this. However, I really like solving problems that's why I'm sticking my interest to it. But I still have a long way to go to become successful in this field.
Photo editing and effects is also one of my hubbies. I love to mix colors, make fun of a friends picture and all sort of things that Photoshop can do. I usually look for cool photo effect tutorials on the net then try to apply it to a different picture. After that I just experiment on the steps, make my own choices for colors and adjustments to achieve my desired output. Well, that is how I learn all this cool tricks in Photoshop.
I started blogging later this may. My main purpose really was to test my skills with web pages and I guess I'm really a newbie to this things. But then, since I had already started it I decided to use this blog to share my knowledge and experiences. In that way, I could get familiar on how web pages work and maybe my blogs could help you in some little ways.